
Community life is about our relationship with God and with one another.  We strive to nourish our physical and emotional well-being by investing in the spiritual part of our lives… not just one day a week, but every day throughout the week and we do this privately (as individuals) and publicly (as a gathered body of believers).   Here are some of the many ways we seek to nurture our relationship to Christ, to one another and to the world:

  • Individually (click below to read description)


    Through time set aside for prayer, Bible reading and Bible study.

    We have some resources available at the church and there are many more resources available in book stores and on the internet (visit our links section for a few suggestions). Investing in our spiritual foundation gives us the time we need to heal and to be renewed in our calling to maintain quality relationship with all of the people in our lives. We recognize that God calls us individually to be a part of a community to nurture and grow in our ability to sustain high quality relationships with God and with others.

  • Together (click each item to read more)


    Bible Study

    We meet weekly throughout the year (usually taking a short break over July and August) to explore the meaning and relevance of Scripture in our lives within a small supportive group (visit our events page and calender for ongoing study times and locations).



    We meet weekly for prayer at the Steak and Stein Restaurant on Portland Street, Dartmouth to enjoy a hot breakfast and a time of sharing and prayer for individual concerns, as well as items related to our church and its surrounding community (visit our calendar to confirm time and location of our prayer breakfast meeting group).



    We gather Sunday mornings anticipating an encounter with the Holy Spirit of God as we celebrate and worship the nature of God and His active initiative in our lives and in our ongoing human history.   We worship through song, story, art, drama, silences, prayers, Scripture reading, and preaching.  We also participate as a community in the celebration of the Lord’s Table (usually at the first Sunday of each month but also at other times and during special services).  The Lord’s Table is a simple meal where the community re-enacts and remembers God’s gracious hospitality to the world and our Lord’s ongoing work of renewing, restoring, and reclaiming all that has been lost or broken.


    Creating and Enjoying Culture

    God is a Being who creates and invites us to join Him in the work and pleasure of creating and re-creating what has been broken or lost.   Much of our creating takes place in our vocational work as we create society and culture through infrastructure (our architecture) , science (our deep exploration of the natural world), politics (our thinking, debating and writing), art (our great visual, musical, and culinary arts) and economy (our innovative products,  services, and technologies).     In all our efforts at creating we recognize that we are all blessed by the gift of the world given to us to care for,  live in, and create within…right alongside our Creator.

  • Other time honoured ways:


— making greater room for the presence of God and our awareness of God in our lives


— spending time in the presence of God alone in walks, stillness, nature, and retreats as we seek to renew our center of being


— reaching out to others in compassion and love… you will find many examples of this outward expression of our spiritual life within this website


— seeking to be generous with our words, wealth, physical resources, and spiritual gifts; recognizing that we are blessed to be a blessing others


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