Our Story

Our Story Collage

South End Baptist Church — South End takes the first half name from the surrounding community of Southdale in Dartmouth, NS.  We are a Baptist expression of the Christian faith allied with the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada.  The church, as a  gathering of believers was founded in 1954… and this early gathering of people was comprised of people from First Baptist Church of Dartmouth and some members of the surrounding community.  As they grew in number the early charter members (see picture below) made plans to construct a house of worship which was dedicated on June 26, 1956– the date inscribed on the cornerstone of the building.

From its beginning, believers and followers of Jesus Christ have gathered here to worship, pray and use the resource of this building in a variety of ways to grow in their faith and to serve our surrounding community.

The image above is the flag which represents the Mi’kmaq people.  The members and adherents of South End Baptist Church (located at 60 Hastings Street, Dartmouth, NS) respectfully acknowledge that the church building is located on unceded ancestral land of the Mi’kmaq First Nation (of the Wabanaki Confederacy).   Unceded means that the land was never formally surrendered to another people or nation.   Thus, we fully acknowledge that we along with the Mi’kmaq people are related and governed by a treaty entered into by our ancestors.

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